This past year has been a tug-of-war for me. I have been growing a business online since 2016. My kids were 3 under 3 when I fell into this wonderful world of working from home. On one hand, I genuinely love the online community I’ve built and the incredible brands I’ve partnered with to grow my business. On the other, as a mom of a 13-year-old, I find myself questioning the example I’m setting. Engagement is harder than ever on most platforms and while I know my worth is not tied to story views I can give full transparency I am thinking about it FAR more than I would like. The same platforms that help me thrive professionally are the ones I worry about most when it comes to my child’s mental health.
Books like The Anxious Generation have been a wake-up call as a parent. In it, author Johnathan Haidt writes, “Today’s teens are growing up in a world that demands constant connection, yet this connection often deepens their sense of isolation.” That line hit me hard. Am I modeling the very behavior I warn my child about? Our children do not have personal devices yet but I still see the screen time pull in online gaming and wanting to email friends or text on a shared iPad.
It’s with these questions in mind that I’ve decided to step back from social media for December. I’ll still be sharing through newsletters and blog posts, but I’m using this time to reflect on how I can set healthier boundaries—both for myself and as a parent. The Anxious Generation also reminds us, “Children learn by what they see, not just what they’re told.” I want to show my family that it’s possible to stay connected, grow a business and thrive without being constantly tethered to a screen.
This break isn’t just for my family—it’s also for me. It’s a chance to rethink the way I engage with these platforms and how I can use them in ways that feel intentional, rather than reflexive
As I take this December to reassess my relationship with social media, I’m excited to keep connecting with you in ways that feel more intentional and meaningful. To stay in the loop with what I’m up to and for updates on this journey, make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter and check the blog regularly.
I look forward to sharing more soon!